










This web site is devoted to the development and contruction of 'homebrew' amatuer radio projects.
It was set up at the end of March 2008 to be the primary website associated with the Yahoo
discussion group: homebrew-radios@yahoogroups.com.

The full scope of the site is intended to embrace any new amateur radio construction projects.

The main stimulus to set up the site resulted from the wish to develop an alternative controller and
graphics interface for the Picastar transceiver which was developed by Peter Rhodes, G3XJP.

The TrxAVR controller module is capable of controlling a range of transceiver projects.
The TrxAVR-Picastar project applies the TrxAVR module to Picastar control. Its coding is very
specific to Picastar and it reproduces the Picastar DSP and DDS control philosophy.

We hope that this and future projects can progress with the aid of continuing
extensive input and cooperation on this Yahoo group.