PCA9555 button control

The PCA9555 chip is a I2C to 16 I/0 line decoder which can control an alternative BPF or any
other device you want to add that needs switching control.

The PCA9555 is pin compatible with the PCF8575C but has higher output drive and more
programming options.

For and explanation of I2C and the TrxAVR I2C addressing options see TrxAVR-Picastar I2C interface

System brief description:

The IC2 configuration window in Hobcat allows you to define up to 8 button tasks.
The tasks can be configured in a variety of ways to control the 16 output lines of one or more
PCA9555 devices.
The tasks are stored in trxavreemem.ini from where they are transmitted to TrxAVR's internal ATmega2560
internal EEPROM. The tasks can then be assigned to TrxAVR's touchpads and soft-keys which then
control the PCA9555(s).
Control features include radio-button style grouping and indication of control action status on the button label
or touchpad.

I have designed a small board which carries a PCA9555 and two ULN2803A 8bit darlington driver chips.
See PCA9555 board

Glenn's later TrxAVR-B board (with the Combo_Picastar order) contains a PCA9555,

First: my test rig which use a PCA9555 board with LEDs to display the output states:
(see PCA9555 board )      (Double click the images below for high res)

     We support four display types!!


The PCA9555 board with 16 LED indicators                  Underside view showing one PCA5555
(bit number penciled on top as the upper byte                   and two ULN2803A darlington drivers)
is in reversed bit order!!)  

Hobcat: I2C button task definition panel.
These Hobcat configuration settings match the subsequent images of touchpads/button labels and their assignment menus.

All this data is stored in trxavreemem.ini.
It is loaded to the screen from trxavravreemem.in (not from TrxAVR)
The Accept button saves it back to trxavreemem.ini (not to TrxAVR)
You use the EEMEM Load facility to transfer to TrxAVR.
(This loads all trxavreemem.ini data, so you need an up to date trxavreemem.ini before you start!!)

Hobcat's I2C task setup panel can define up to eight tasks which then can be assigned in TrxAVR to buttons or touchpads.

Each task has fields: Label, Operation, Group, Address and a 16 bit dataword.    

This specifies the device's address as defined by the wiring of its address select pin A0, A1 and A2.
TrvAVR checks that tasks sharing a group have the same address. If not then grouping doesn't happen!!

This is the 16 bit dataword on which the task's actions are based.
Data entry by checking bits is much more convenient than entering decimal or hexadecimal numbers

This has two functions:
   - It is an on-screen button label. The hyphen separates the upper and lower label text.
  -  It identifies the task in TrxAVR's button task assignment menus.   ( Appears as: T4 linear-amp   etc)   

This defines what the task does. Options are:

The ....Rx only and ...Tx only options were essential for control of preamps, linears etc
I use a PA3AKE BPF and mixer. The pre-amp between BPF and mixer must be switched out on transmit.
My linear control button, if selected, only activates the PCA9555 output bit on transmit.

Tasks can be grouped by specifying a non-zero group number (1-4) which is common to the tasks in the group.
Group is is only relevant to operations:
   - Set bit(s) specified in data word.    
   - Group dataword step.
   - Group upper byte step.
   - Group lower byte step.

  Set bit(s) (Tx only: clear on Rx)
 - Set bit(s) (Rx only: clear on Tx)

For grouped Set bit(s)...... operations, the buttons assigned to the tasks behave as (mutually exclusive) 'radio buttons'.
In the example below, there are three Set bits buttons assigned to group 3. These are labeled Data-A, Data-B and Data-C.
Data-A sets outputs 8 and 9, Data-B sets outputs 10 and 11 and Data-C sets outputs 12 and 13.
The other bits: 0 to 7 and 14 and 15 are untouched by these tasks.

When a task-button is pressed, the specified bits of the datawords of the other tasks in the group are cleared,
and then the bits of the pressed button's task's dataword are set.
The current touchpad or on-screen button label will be highlighted. See image below.

 Colour TFT Data-A selected                       320x240 mono Data-B selected

Group dataword step, Group upper byte step or Group lower byte step,
- the following antenna example serves to explain:

Tasks 6 ,7 and 8 are assigned to three antenna systems. They are grouped by assigning a common group number ( 2 ).
The associated datawords are 1,2, and 4 which specify bits 0,1 and 2 respectively.
Bit 0 drives a relay to select the vertical, bit 1 the quad and bit 2 the G5RV.

All the tasks' labels have the same top line = 'Ant'    (convenient here ... but not mandatory)

ONE (and only one) of the tasks of the group is assigned to a softkey or touch pad in TrxAVR.
At startup, the first task in the list is activated. So in this example, the button will appear with the label Ant-vert
and the vertical will be selected.
Each press of the button will then cycle through the antennas: vert > quad > G5RV and the button captions with change


If you have the same buttons on transmit and receieve then a change made on receive with change the transmit button
caption accordingly and vica versa.

As stated above, any one of the the button task in the group can be selected to the single button - the caption's
bottom line will be updated automatically. If you want the same button display on receieve and transmit,
then the hardware control will work if you use different tasks of the group on Rx and Tx (eg: Ant-vert and Ant-quad)
BUT >>
- the caption change as you step through the task will not transfer between Rx and Tx.
So use the the same task on Rx and Tx, eg: Ant-qaud and Ant-quad

Note that group lower byte step controls the whole lower byte but leaves the upper bytes free for other use.

Toggle bits

Toggle bit(s) specified in data word
    - Toggle bit(s) (Tx only: clear on Rx)
    - Toggle bit(s) (Rx only: clear on Tx)

The examples use buttons to switch a linear amp (bit 15) and a dummy load (bit14) in and out of operation.
The buttons will highlight when toggled to the on ( bit = 1 ) state.              

    TFT colour with linear amp on              320x240 mono with linear amp on

The Toggle bits operation works on a read - modify - write basis.
ie: it reads the PCA9555 outputs bits, changes the state of the bits specified in dataword and writes back again.
If ANY ONE of the bits read is 0 then ALL are set to 1 so that thereafter all specified bits change together
in the same sense.

The Toggle bit(s) Tx only and Rx only operations operate on a copy of the data PCA9555 dataword so that
the specified bits can be cleared on Rx or TX without losing the toggled status.
The highlighting is preserved on receive and transmit.

Rx Tx paired touchpads/button labels

Many users with have the same button task in the same place on the screen on receive and tranmsit.
The receive and transmit buttons of the pair are separate buttons.
However, if you change the state of one button of the Rx/Tx pair, then the other will change state

to match (ie highlighting or caption).

If you Rx/TX pair Group dataword step, Group upper byte step or Group lower byte step, then the hardware
control will work if you use different tasks of the group on Rx and Tx (eg: Ant-vert and Ant-quad)
BUT >>
- the caption change as you step through the task will not transfer between Rx and Tx.
So use the the same task on Rx and Tx, eg: Ant-qaud and Ant-quad

More I2C screen shots

Assigning tasks to buttons -
Eight tasks: T2 etc followed by label.


Most of the visible touchpads assigned to I2C devices.    Colour TFT
The atten+ and atten- control a PA3AKE BPF attenuator. Both buttons' captions change as the

attenuation is adjusted.

Most of the visible touchpads assigned to I2C devices. 320x240 mono graphics.


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